Tuesday 17 January 2012

Filming Process

This is a summary of my two filming sessions that I did to get all the shots for my film. Along with the general order that I filmed in.

Filming Process

25th october 2011 - First filming session
  • I had to overcome bad weather at my location where it was extremly rainy and windy, I also had to deal with my original male actor not turning up.
  • I decided that I needed to film something so I filmed Anna's (female character) parts that only featured her as best as I could.
  • In total we were filming for around 2 hours and this left me with some decent shots that I could start editing with, once I was back in the classroom.

27th November 2011 - Second filming session
  • For my second and final filming session at the same location, both my female actor Anna and my new male actor Jonathan confirmed that they would be able to make it and the weather was perfect for filming.
  • I decided that to save time I would film all of Jonathans parts first which we did no problem.
  • The next thing was to refilm a couple of shots that didnt look great on the computer at school, these were Anna reading her book and her running up the stairs to meet the male character.
  • After this I began filming the main part of my film with both the characters.
  • All in All this filming took around 3 1/2 hours to film.
  • All of my shots were filmed and I re-recorded the sound again on the dictaphone to be safe.
This is useful in explaining what process I used when filming my shots, when I filmed them and in what order. From this I learnt that in total I collected my shots in relatively little time.

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