Friday, 14 October 2011

Tzvetan Todorov’s Theory of Narrative

Tzvetan Todorov and his theory of narrative is the next figure within this project that I am researching.

Tzvetan Todorov is a franco-bulgarian philosopher who writes books and essays on theorys realted to literature, culture and thought history. His theory of narative is what I am interested in.

Todorov suggested that conventional narratives are structured in five stages:
1. a state of equilibrium at the outset;
2. a disruption of the equilibrium by some action;
3. a recognition that there has been a disruption;
4. an attempt to repair the disruption;
5. a reinstatement of the equilibrium
This type of narrative structure is very familiar to us and can be applied to many ‘mainstream’ film narratives.

If we apply this to a mainstream film - The Hangover
1. The state of equlibrium is the normal life of the friends and the marriage which is going to take place between Doug and Tracey
2.The disruption of this equilibrium is when they travel to Las Vegas for Dougs Stag weekend and lose Doug in the process
3. The recognition of the disruption is when they wake up and discover that Doug has disapeared.
4. The attempt to repair the disruption is the hilarious antics the guys get up to when trying to search for Doug and retrace their steps.
5. The reinstatement of equilibrium is the discovery of Doug and the marriage between him and Tracey.

I find Todorovs narative theory very interesting and I believe that it will be useful for when structuring my own narrative, being able to follow the stages that he has created. I can also recognise each stage within mainstream films and understand that not all films can fit into this structure.

In my short film:
1) The state of equilibrium is Ben taking his pictures on the hoe.
2)The disruption of this equilibrium is when Ben sees the female character walking along.
3)The recognition of this disruption is when Ben realises that Anna does not know who he is.
4)The attempt to repair the disruption is when Ben tries to explain who he is and how he knows the femaler character to her.
5)The reinstatement of equilibrium is when Anna realises who Ben is and goes to catch up with him and they leave together.

1 comment:

  1. Well explained - again, can you make his ideas relevant to your work, or otherwise explain why they can't be applied to your film?
